Welcome to our Middle White Piglets!


There are two cute newcomers in Pets Corner. Meet our new Middle White piglet sisters! The pair join us from Hadleigh Farm and are just starting to settle into life at Mudchute.

An adult middle white sow.

The Middle White is a native and rare breed of pig with notable prick ears and a snub nose. The breed was known as “The London Porker” because of high demand for Middle White pork in the capital, but today these sisters are among the only Middle White pigs in London. The breed trace their roots to 1852 Keighley Agricultural Show in West Yorkshire and became one of the foundation breeds of the National Pig Breeders Association in 1884. The breed declined sharply during World War II, but the breed survived thanks to a few dedicated breeders. You can find out more about this fascinating pig breed from the British Pig Association and the Middle White Pig Society.


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